Public Holidays in Poland: Products for All Number of products : 9


Public holidays in Poland: meaning and goals

In Poland, various national holidays are celebrated, which are aimed at commemorating important events in the history of the country, as well as celebrating the national community and traditions. Here are the most important national holidays Polish:


National Independence Day (11 November)

It commemorates the regaining of independence by Poland after 123 years of partitions, which took place on November 11, 1918. This holiday is a symbol of freedom and unity of the Polish nation.


May 3rd Constitution Day (3 May)

Celebrated to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of May 3 in 1791, which was the first in Europe and the second in the world modern constitution. This holiday is intended to remind about the struggle for freedom, democracy and civil rights.


Flag Day (2 May)

A holiday to celebrate the Polish national flag, which introduces white and red national colors. On this day, Poles manifest their nationality by hanging flags on their homes and other buildings.




Other important public holidays

In addition, Poland celebrates other important public holidays, such as:

Katyn Victims Remembrance Day (13 April)

Commemorating Polish officers and representatives of the intelligentsia murdered by the NKVD in 1940. On this day, various celebrations and acts of remembrance are organized.


Cursed Soldiers Remembrance Day (1 March)

A holiday aimed at commemorating the soldiers of the Polish anti-communist and independence underground, who continued to fight for a free Poland after the end of World War II.


Veterans Day of Activities Abroad (29 May)

A holiday to commemorate and commemorate Polish soldiers and military personnel who took part in activities outside Polish.




Products related to Polish public holidays for educational institutions

In the case of educational institutions, such as schools or kindergartens, the purchase of various products related to Polish national symbols may turn out to be particularly valuable. Among such products, it is worth paying attention to:

  • Flags Polish different sizes that can be displayed in classrooms, hallways or on campus.
  • Desk pads with a Polish map that can help students learn geography and Polish history.
  • Books and educational games about the history and symbols of Polish, which can be used during lessons or extracurricular activities.
  • Puzzles with a map of Polish or Polish legends, which, in addition to developing manual skills of students, introduce them to the world of Polish culture and history.

Purchasing products related to Polish public holidays can help students understand the meaning of these days and shape a sense of national identity. In addition, appropriate didactic materials, such as books, games or puzzles, will affect students' interest in the subject of Polish history and culture, which will contribute to better acquisition of knowledge.