Jojo - a cult toy around the world Number of products : 5


Jojo - simplicity of fun for children and not only

Jojo, a toy known all over the world, is one of the oldest and most popular toy gadgets. This simple but extremely fun gadget consists of two pegs connected by a string or chain. Jojo can be thrown and caught, as well as perform various tricks with it.

Where does yo-yo come from?

The first mention of a yo-like gadget comes from China, where in ancient times wooden diabolo, i.e. wheels with a hole in the middle, were popular. However, it was in South America that the yo-yo gained popularity, becoming part of the culture of the Indians of the Inca tribe. Jojo was then made of wood and had the shape of two hemispheres glued together.

When was yo-yo created?

The first mention of yo-yo in Europe dates back to the eighteenth century, when this toy came to the continent thanks to war soldiers who, after returning from Spain, brought it with them. Over time, yo-yo gained popularity, and in the nineteenth century it became one of the most popular toy gadgets for children throughout Europe. In 1928, American businessman Donald F. Duncan bought the rights to produce yo-yo and marketed them in the United States, where they became even more popular.

What yo-yo to start with?

For beginners, the best type of yo-yo are those that have the right balance. Jojo should be easy to move and control. It is best to choose a model that has the right weight and is made of durable material that will withstand frequent falls. Jojo for beginners is often available in a variety of colors and designs, which increases its appeal to younger children.

What types of yo-yo can you buy?

There are different types of yo-yo, from wooden to those made of different colored materials. Jojo is certified for safe shopping. One type of yo-yo is "Crazy Jojo", a sound-emitting toy that teaches children to develop individual aptitudes. This is a plush toy that can be of different colors and designs. They are sent randomly, which means that the child will always get something different and thus will have a varied sensory experience.

Another type of yo-yo is the yo-yo robot, which has interlacing and also emits sound. This toy is made of high quality materials and the materials used in it allow you to develop your child's manual skills. The yo-yo robot has a safety certificate, which allows for safe and peaceful play.

Jojo wooden is a timeless toy that has survived for many years. This toy is made of high quality wood, which makes it very durable and durable. This toy teaches children to develop manual skills and supports motor coordination.

In which store can you buy yo-yo?

Jojo can be purchased in many stores, both stationary and online. In toy stores, hobby stores and sports stores we will certainly find many different types of yo-yo. Thanks to the availability on the Internet, we can choose from even more models. Many companies offer online sales, which makes shopping easier and allows you to easily compare prices and models. In the online store you will find the largest selection of different types of yo-yo, so everyone will find something for themselves. The product description and cookies allow you to read each toy carefully and make an informed choice.

Certified toys are a guarantee of safety for children. The toy brand makes sure that its products meet the requirements of European Union directives, so parents can be sure that their child is playing completely safely. Jojo is a toy that can be used by children over 3 years of age. This toy develops the child's manual skills and teaches him motor coordination. Jojo impresses with the quality of workmanship and can make your child happy for many hours of fun.

A yo-yo toy is also a plush toy?

Not only children, but also four-legged our friends can enjoy toys. In the online store you can find "Crazy Jojo Bear", a plush toy that emits sound that meets the requirements of European Union directives. This toy is completely safe and will endure any biting or diversification of the pet's sensory experience.

Jojo is a toy that impresses with its simplicity, and at the same time can provide children with a lot of fun. In the online store you can find different types of yo-yo, as well as get acquainted with their description and safety certificate. Jojo is an excellent choice for parents who want to provide their child with many hours of joyful fun.


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