Loop nursery rhymes. Jadzia poems for good habits. Jadzia Pętelka

Loop Rhymes is a charming book full of educational poems from Barbara Supeł and Agata Łuksza, which takes the youngest into the world of good habits with Jadzia Pętelka. Filled with colorful illustrations, it teaches through play, supporting the development of the toddler. Ideal for 12m+ children, with a hardcover and 48 pages, it is a great tool for parents.

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Discover the magical world of Loop Nursery Rhymes, where playing with rhyme will introduce the little ones to their daily habits. Written by Barbara Supeł and Agata Łuksza, this charming book from the Jadzia Pętelka series from the Zielona Sowa Publishing House, invites you to an educational adventure with Jadzia, who step by step, rhyme by rhyme, will introduce the youngest to the world of good manners.



Detailed information:

  • ISBN: 9788382995473
  • Age: 12 months+
  • Release date: March 27, 2024
  • Release Year: 2024
  • Frame: Hard
  • Format: 190x190 mm
  • Pages: 48


We invite you to a world where learning turns into fun, and every day becomes an opportunity to discover new things together with Jadzia Pętelka. Loop Nursery Rhymes is a unique book that, through the simplicity of rhymes and encouraging illustrations, helps children acquire and consolidate good habits. From getting dressed to eating the desired meals, to using salutations, every aspect of everyday life is transformed into a joyful learning experience.



What makes our product stand out?

  • Educational nursery rhymes: Each poem is not only a play on words, but also a step towards independence and the development of good manners.
  • Colorful illustrations: Colorful, detailed illustrations support the text, teaching through the image.
  • Support for Parents: The book is an excellent tool for parents in shaping positive behaviors in their children on a daily basis.
  • High quality workmanship: The hardcover and careful workmanship guarantee that the book will survive many adventures.


Who is this book for?

The book is perfect for little explorers aged 12 months+ who love to explore the world through play and interaction. It's also a great option for parents and caregivers who are looking for ways to creatively introduce good habits into their children's daily lives.



Make Loop Nursery Rhymes your little one's favorite read! Discover the world of good habits together in the best possible way – through the joy of reading and having fun together. Order today and start your adventure with Jadzia Pętelka, who will help your child develop every day!

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