Introducing game our poland jaw 25 pud pg jawa - an extremely functional product that has been carefully crafted by JAWA. With its unique EAN code - 5901838001007, it guarantees originality and authenticity.

📖 Manufacturer / Distributor description for GAME OUR POLAND JAW 25 PUD PG JAWA
our Poland” - a family board game that connects generations.
A game prepared for the 100th anniversary of Poland's independence. Players move their pawns from the Start field towards the Finish. Along the way, they draw cards with questions, which are divided into four periods: Regaining independence and the Battle of Warsaw, World War II and Occupation, times of the Polish People's Republic, Solidarity and Poland's entry into the Union. Three answers are placed under each question, including one correct. After answering, players receive a fixed amount of Polish Marks. When the player does not know the answer, he can buy a hint for the appropriate amount or reject one wrong answer. The person who reaches the FINISH first stops the game. At this point, the money collected by each player is counted. The one who collects the most Polish Marks wins.
You can introduce team games. Recommended age: 8